By Anonymous - 10/01/2012 17:43 - India

Today, I received a letter from the state saying my 14-year-old daughter is now legally recognized as a male. I have no idea what happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 387
You deserved it 5 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dad, there's something i have to tell you...

I think it's time for a talk with your " daughter".


StereoHeart 0

The letter says that the government legally recognized the girl as a male, so why can't he/she be transgendered? Does the government not do that? If not, they should...

Loooooooool she's the man get it? No? Ok.

well umm..HAHA OMFG...thats wonderful .. reallly it is

This is the best fml I've seen all day. Seriously, fyl.

why didn't your daughter just go to you to talk about it instead of you just receiving a letter from the government. kinda low really Ur her parent she should of told u .