By sadlysingle - 21/02/2014 08:04 - United States - Rockwall

Today, I received a response to my perfectly straightforward online dating profile: "How about changing a dirty diaper, mommy?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 727
You deserved it 5 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that is when you pretend you didn't see the message and never reply...


There some serious creeps out there...

Maybe it's time to start using a different website

Well... is that a no then? Okay. I'll look elsewhere.

arandomusernameaa 20

like a man with €0 yup. didn't know that men with no money had massive cocks.

#18: Size is really based on the selective breeding of the chickens you use.

The behavior of many men in Online dating sites is really really shameful...

People shouldn't really presume that you're into the same thing they are.

Men acting like babies? Seems like there's been a rash of this lately. It's a good thing he didn't lay this on you after a dinner date and a good burping because men like this seldom change themselves.

delete that fast. people have weird fetishes

BrittNic0le 9

I'm not surprised. On any website, your profile gets views by the desirable and undesirable candidates alike. The good news is, once you meet someone you like, you'll have a twisted anecdote to break the ice.

Maybe, you should stop online dating for awhile lol...

CountWest 6

Just reply, "Never breed," and the block him.

Grauncho 27

Something tells me we won't ever have to worry about him breeding anyway.