By Jayde - 04/02/2012 05:12 - United States

Today, I received a single, hand-made Valentine's card from the weirdest kid in the school. It said, "If you ever get mauled by a bear, I hope he doesn't damage your face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 246
You deserved it 5 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, feel special. At least someone likes you.


He was definitely trolling. The original was ending in "[...] because you are cute".

chengy4191 7

It's a compliment he's saying ur pretty ^^ I don't c y this is a fml.....

LateandGreat 11

=_= Not much of an FML. OP -did- get a card, made by hand, no less and with a neat little joke on it. The complaint is that it was the only one she got and that it was from the "weirdest kid in school". Yeah, so? Is the joke on the card creepy? Nope. In fact, the only thing remotely funny about the post is the same joke. Ironic; the "weirdest kid in school" apparently just got OP's FML posted. This place is seeing too much mundane material from stuck up teenage princesses who think they "deserve better" :|

He got it from a joke app...I have the same app.

CasperSnacks 0

That's what my boyfriend tells me :)


Sometimes people tell too much of what they are thinkin haha