By thismakesmesad - 07/09/2011 16:16 - United States

Today, I received an email from my boyfriend. It contained a link to a site that was titled "How to Give Head". It also said "Have a nice day!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 438
You deserved it 7 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

laideehawk 6

Next time you go down on him, tell him you hope you're doing it right as the guy in the video had a much larger penis.


laideehawk 6

Next time you go down on him, tell him you hope you're doing it right as the guy in the video had a much larger penis.

Sometimes I feel like whenever a guy is a douche, you instantly see the reply "say his dick is small". Isn't there anything else you could insult him with? I'd prefer something a bit more original and personal, to make sure it gets to him.

rexgar2000 10

The "small penis" card is an ace in the hole, as there's no good way we can defend ourselves.

i wanted to like this comment but i saw it had 69 likes hehehe :D

K_kanaka 26

And it's guys like him that give men a bad rep.

leadman1989 15

NO actually it's guys like you. So you're trying to say that communicating (email/video isn't what I would have chosen) with your significant other that there's something they can do better in the bed room is BAD? What THE ****? So if a guy breaks up with a girl for not enough or bad sex he's a PIG if he tries to straighten out the situation he's also a pig? You people are infuriating!

All he said was it's guys like this douche that give good men a bad name I think you read more into it than it was or it was meant for someone else's comment

leadman1989 15

Yes but WHY is this guy a douche what has he done that's SOOO disgusting and wrong? Having sex with his willing partner? Trying to improve sex with said willing partner? Having a penis?

ash_momi 0

Hey omg how do u message people.... Hilo boy I know u haha ur my brothers frend

ReynshineCutting 10

Well it was a total douche move what her boyfriend did. Yes communication is important but if you do it wrong you just ruin everything like her boyfriend did. If she's that bad he needs to nicely talk to her about it, not belittle her and be a dick.

Exactly - he handled it passive aggressively instead of just talking to her.

a_nutritionist 10

i dont know about you guys but if i find an interesting article, regardless of the content, ill pass it on to my girlfriend. you dont have to read into EVERYTHING. besides, you dont know that it wasnt a follow up on a comment he made earlier about something she is doing wrong or simply a piece of trivia he read and wanted to see what her thoughts were.

leadman1989 15

BELITTLE HER? How? By sending her a link? Maybe the guy has trouble communicating but there's nothin about sending an email that implies that he doesn't value her?

leadman1989 15

Some people are passive aggressive it's not an intrinsically bad trait besides he could have talked to her about it but this information just explained/demonstrated it better. Who knows?

ReynshineCutting 10

Sending her an email that says "You suck at head, here's an instructional video" is belittling her.

a_nutritionist 10

@149 yeah...except that simply didnt way to go pointing out irrelevant details.

Find one that says "How To Eat Pussy" and send it to him with a nice little "We're over." footnote

leadman1989 15

Maybe ops boyfriend is already good at it, maybe he's tired of being the only one not getting good oral...

Maybe op doesnt want to leave her boifriend. Why would she? Cause he communicates his needs and does it with humour?

Nothing wrong with educating yourself. I had to learn hands on (or rather **** on). Reading material would have been a nice start. What a shocker I got! Lol

boredblonde 17

Send it back to him because he's the only one that would want to do it to him.

AsianCookie247 14
rexgar2000 10

so you sucked at it and that's why he sent you that?

lol you really had to clarify that:o.. lol

thetacman 1
sexxme 9

Send him a picture of you blowing some guy and write, "You this?".

leadman1989 15

And he instantly puts it online ruining ops reputation. You're a smart one.

DarkHelmet 10

Your as cold ad ice but I wouldve said the same lol