By Anonymous - 02/09/2013 05:14 - United States - Asheboro

Today, I received an email from my professor asking me not to jump ahead on assignments as it makes the other students look bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 181
You deserved it 7 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohro 10

Yeah, stop being so productive and smart


I can say that this has nothing to do with OP being oh so smart. It's called "the no child left behind" act. It basically states that no matter how smart you are or dumb or even if you just don't try you still get a passing grade so everyone feels smart. And thank you politics. Yes it applies in colleges too.

What are the clauses & stipulations of that act I wonder?... In what administration was that act passed?

TheDrifter 23

It was passed in the late 90s, so Clinton administration? It's really quite straight forward, failure was deemed to be bad for self esteem and self image, so nobody fails. Remedial work can be assigned, but all students graduate on time, even if they have not successfully completed graduation level classes. The only exceptions are private post secondary institutions.

The act was passed in Bush43's first term.

Whoever gave me the thumbs down, I'm in Australia and our judicial system and laws vary from yours. It was a question that I honestly wanted to know the answer to because I've never heard of that policy.

I think you fundamentally misunderstand NCLB. It makes testing a lot stricter and requires students to show improvement.

Wouldn't you think the jumping ahead was a good thing? Wouldn't it mean you have a grasp on what is being taught?

That professor needs to go teach elementary school since "you can't hurt the feelings of other students" by exceeding expectations. This idiot probably subscribes to the philosophy that everyone gets a MVP Trophy, even the fat kid that's not even suited physically to be a bench warmer. I applaud you OP on your drive and motivation. As another poster wrote, just knock out the assignments and keep them in a folder ready for due date. As an added note, F- them for Feeling Bad ! Get with the program.

If you'd like, we can switch teachers...

OP's college's motto: If grass grows taller than the others, we do not applaud it, we cut it down!

I have the same problem. And i am not saying i read ahead.

So it's a crime to be better than others?

Theres a scheduale on the syllabus for a reason as well. Why not do it, but pass it in on time? That way it's done, if you don't understand something you can retry after the lecture, and nobody "looks bad".

I'd say do it anyways but just don't turn it in until its due. Nothing wrong with getting ahead!