By Anonymous - 02/09/2013 05:14 - United States - Asheboro

Today, I received an email from my professor asking me not to jump ahead on assignments as it makes the other students look bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 181
You deserved it 7 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohro 10

Yeah, stop being so productive and smart


Even though your efforts are commendable, try finishing your assignment early and then just let it lie around for a week or two. Then reread it. I can promise you, you will find mistakes/corrections to make it even better. Then turn it in and get an awesome grade!

...and that email is the reason your life sucks...?

sorry op, but i truly believe you should do what you need to. its not his place to be telling you how/when to do the assignments. school is a serious thing, and besides, youre the one paying for the class, not him. if he continues, id suggest you report him.

I would go to the dean of the department and talk to him about it.

I'm uncertain what would come from doing that.

Not sure how this is an FML... You're a scholar... Go you...

TrinityNevada 11

You're probably throwing off the grade curve, something that shouldn't happen anyway (the curve, I mean, not throwing it off)

I did that. Once. Last year. I was so happy to finally be ahead of the others, but all my teacher said was that she thought of giving me another assignment while the others finished the last one. I was finished when they got information about it. I was months ahead.

You pay for the class, so you can decide if you want to do work early or not. There is nothing wrong with making yourself look better than the other students. All this means is that you are being a good student. Ignore that professor.

Haha, I have a feeling OP is going to do VERY well in the job market.