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Deadlines whooshing by

By Anonymous - 11/03/2021 15:30 - United States - Putney

Today, my Computer Science professor posted an assignment that's due right before our Monday class… on Monday morning. I wouldn't have even thought to check for assignments this morning if he hadn't done the same thing last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 999
You deserved it 86

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if youDontLikeIt == TRUE { tellIt(to: someoneWhoGivesAShit); } else { STFU(); }

Glitterbaby2613 20

bring to his attention if he doesn't stop bring it to some of the attention above it it's like he's asking for you guys to fail it's not fair if you pay for the class


if youDontLikeIt == TRUE { tellIt(to: someoneWhoGivesAShit); } else { STFU(); }

Glitterbaby2613 20

bring to his attention if he doesn't stop bring it to some of the attention above it it's like he's asking for you guys to fail it's not fair if you pay for the class