By Anonymous - 30/07/2012 14:50 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Jules7594 - 12/06/2015 13:02 - United States - Wellesley Hills
By JulietMarie - 10/10/2014 19:12 - United States - Baldwinsville
By lsta - 04/05/2009 04:40 - United States
Take it while you can
By thanks..? - 03/11/2018 17:30
By slaughterteddy - 20/07/2016 23:23 - United States
By analbel - 05/11/2018 12:00
By Anonymous - 13/05/2019 16:00
By Rrae - 25/02/2019 02:00
By Anonymous - 20/08/2013 17:18 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/10/2009 18:09 - United States
Top comments
Quality urine samples are something to be proud of.
How did you manage to be "first" on both FML's!?
49- How do I manage not attacking you an feeding you to my dog after seeing that there are people like you that only care about getting first comment!
49 - I eat my Wheaties.
Congratulation Buck. Wheaties are proudly sponsored by the 2012 Olympic association.
5- or white
5 - actually they just mean you're hydrated. You could be totally unhealthy and drink a bunch of water and have nice, clear piss.
Did no one get the joke?
Well, then surround yourself with better people, that appreciate everything about you!! :))
Sometimes that's hard to come by now
Or maybe op just doesnt have anyone to compliment him or her.
Sounds to me like he's just got a piss poor personality.
If you want compliments for things, earn them. Its your job to impress people if you want them to talk your shit up. I don't even know how many compliments I've had this year, because I don't really care... was 0 :(
well I would be pretty PISSED
of the year?? oh... maybe OP needs to get some nice friends..
Hopefully it's new years day wherever OP lives..
#78 Nope, still mid year in the US
91- maybe OP lives in a secret territory of the USA that no one knows about that is in the middle of china. So when you get a shirt that says made in china, it means u.s. So isn't chinese new years like sometime near now?
Another bad comment by lonkite101
Huzzah! You drink plenty of water, yes? Is good! Be happy! Oh wait... No other complements for year? Is sad for you. ... Why am I talking like this? I've been watching too much Borat.
I know that was suppose to be a rhetorical question but I can't help myself.. if you don't know, chances are nobody else does either. PS if you hadnt put that question at the end I definitely would have thumbed up... but you left me no choice
It's okay. Hit and miss. :)
whoops, didn't see the last line.. :( enjoy thumbing down
I got it before you confirmed you were going for Borat. nice job! I enjoyed it
The comment also reminded me of the katamari series. Of course my doc has me doped up on meds so I'm making really weird connections.
I read this in a squeaky voice like you demanded. Your welcome.
You make fun reply... I suggest you keep up the funny wordsmithing.
Got to be good at something !!! May as well be pissin!
Better than an insult though! Look at the bright side, your urine is commendable.
At least your healthy
Atleast you're not pissing blood!
14- I can piss blood.
Been there done that. Not the most beautiful sight
It is very possible to have blood in your urine. Otherwise the term "haematuria" wouldn't exist. The blood can come from any part of the urinary system - from the kidney to the urethra. Even a drop of blood can make the urine look bloody. It drives me bat-shit crazy when people who don't know anything about medicine make ignorant statements regarding medicine.
#36 Yes, we know that, but it can sure muck up a urine sample.
But, did you know your menstruation only contains a very small amount of blood? Neither did I, until a few weeks ago.

Quality urine samples are something to be proud of.
well I would be pretty PISSED