By Notabum - 31/08/2009 04:30 - United States

Today, I received official notification that my license was being suspended for multiple DUIs. Apparently, my brother is a drunk and has been using my ID. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 116
You deserved it 2 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why are you leaving your ID to where your brother is not only able to steal it, but return it? Multiple times?

Happy_Elf 0

Now just do the same to him ^_^



in respoinse to everyone calling this bs, i say this. sometimes siblings look almost exactly the same, and since nearly nobody looks exactly like their license photo, it can be ahard to distinguish, if they look similar enough to each other. and to thoe who are saying YDI for giving him your license, maybe his brother stole an old one from him. logical. and OP, call the cops on your bro, if he doesn't have any qualms getting you into trouble, don't have any reservations yourself.


I've seen this FML a long time ago.

Wouldn't you have noticed when your car insurance went up on the first or second DUI? My insurance co dropped me because of one speeding ticket and an at-fault accident - they would at least hike your rate for a DUI if they didn't drop you.

oogyboogy 6

hi I'm oogyboogy the professional in fml translating. most, not all, fml's are exaggerated and i am here to bring out the true fml in them. Today, I realized my brother is using my ID for when he's drunk. FML

Emriss 0

Die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die...

magichateball 0

fake. i saw this exact same FML about a month and a half ago....

what a jerk off, I hope you can get it cleared up.

Fake... even assuming he was your identical twin brother, what are the odds that the few times he took your ID he happened to get several DUI's? Why couldn't he use his own license? His was suspended? So you never thought to ask why he went driving with a suspended license? Doofus.

hobopancake 0

I'm sorry, but this is bullshit. Multiple DUI's would result in one if not several felonies and warrants for your arrest. In fact, you would probably lose your license forever. Please do some research before you decide to try to be funny.

do YOUR research

REPEAT! I bet my life I've read this one before!