By butisavedyourkid - 06/06/2013 04:13 - United States

Today, I rescued a little boy who looked like he was drowning in a public pool. His mother then smacked me in the face for "touching him". FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 265
You deserved it 3 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a hero in my eyes OP. Hope she apologised after you explained the situation.


You should have thrown her to the pool

I feel sorry for the kid. First he nearly drowns, then he has to go home and put up with that ungrateful moron for the rest of his life. I wonder if she spanked him for giving her a handmade ashtray for Mother's Day because it wasn't a good enough present.

Epikouros 31

I just read that half of all children who drown in the US, drown while their parents are near, sometimes even looking at them without realizing what's going on. People who are drowning don't look like people who are drowning (on TV). There's no screaming or waving. When kids are quiet while swimming, that's when you should worry.

I remember awhile back reading about a child drowning at Tommy Lee's son's birthday party. Since there were so many people there-- all the surrounding parents thought the other was watching the kids in the pool.

So ironic, I just closed a tab on an article explaining that exact thing, how to spot someone while drowning. It's scary. Apparently they look like they're climbing an invisible ladder.

QueenOrangeSoda 21

Correct-a-mundo! That's what I thought when I read this. Common tell-tale signs: -silent (they can't scream when drowning) -arms extended, instinctively trying to push the water down and back (don't have enough strength to thrash them) -mouth near surface, gasping, then submerging -climbing an invisible staircase The whole thrashing arms, screaming, "drowning on TV" thing is when someone is about to drown. Drowning, by medical definition, tends to carry the tell-tale signs listed.

^^^ Thanks, Epikouros, and all in this thread for the detail! That's just what was like for me when I almost drowned. *shudder*

She's a mind bender. Making people lose their sanity and calm is her speciality.

Like the name... You Did the right thing..,who cares what she thinks you were doing...

Yet another FML story to drive home the fact that no good deed goes unpunished these days...

No act of charity goes unresented.

Oh you know... I pretend to save little kids lives all the time to cup a feel. I am sorry you had to encounter another ungrateful and stupid mother on this planet OP.

Been there done that. Sorry OP... Some parents are really that evil!

Good on you for saving that little boy! Its amazing to me when I see how many parents don't watch their children while at the pool. As for the mother, just let it go in one ear and out the other. You can't always please everyone and in this case it seems she was taking her anger for herself out on you.

perdix 29

In such a panic situation, it's possible to grab someone's private parts accidentally when trying to save their life. That's what I told that large-breasted girl I rescued last week. She brought up the petty detail that we were at the concession stand at the time.

MrSarcasmic 10

gotta hate those technicalities

skyeyez9 24

Rubbing her nips in a circular manner while "saving her" again perdix?