By butisavedyourkid - 06/06/2013 04:13 - United States

Today, I rescued a little boy who looked like he was drowning in a public pool. His mother then smacked me in the face for "touching him". FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 265
You deserved it 3 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a hero in my eyes OP. Hope she apologised after you explained the situation.


Don't worry about her OP. Hold your head up high knowing you rescued a child. Not many people can do that.

brentman28 5

well unfortunetly op this is how the world is now you try helping someone kid and they see you touching them they automatically see it as hurting or trying to kidnap thier child.

Should of picked the kid up, jumped in the pool and drown his ass!

TallMist 32

He should drown the kid he just saved from drowning because the mom was being a bitch? What?

gibbymasterson 11

I like how thr world has come to accusations for helping people out.

Don't pay attention to the mom, the important thing is that you helped the kid when he needed it.

You did good OP. You should have explained to the mother that you saved his life.

skyeyez9 24

I would have returned it with a slap right back in her face.

Are you a lifeguard? If so, FYL. If not, YDI.

Helldemon 32

So he should just let someone drown because he isn't a lifeguard? Good logic there dumbass

This would've been my response, "Hello, CPS. I'd like to report a neglectful mother." The quality of parenting now a days is a disgrace.

I'd just tell her: "ok, next time I'll let him drown".