By butisavedyourkid - 06/06/2013 04:13 - United States

Today, I rescued a little boy who looked like he was drowning in a public pool. His mother then smacked me in the face for "touching him". FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 265
You deserved it 3 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a hero in my eyes OP. Hope she apologised after you explained the situation.


Some people just don't understand how you be grateful, even when it comes to be in a life or death situation!

emtbev 4

can't do anything to help people these days

I know this will get me thumbed down again, but i just have to... Let them drown, there are to many of those idiots already.

No. Regardless of the mothers attitude you never and I mean never let a child drown. To think any other way is just plain cruel.

For some reason a lot of parents theese days are more afraid of you touching or interacting with their child in any way, than they are of their child drowning, getting hit by a car or falling from a cliff. Where was the mother when her boy seemingly drowned? Right she was nowhere to be found, but she was right there to smack OP when he tryed to rescue him. As cruel as it may be the only cure for that is to comply with their request and leave their kids alone no matter what.

fatalwish 6

did you throw the kid back in?

As an almost-drowned former child, THANK YOU for what you did! Saving a life is the best of deeds. Hold it close to your heart, and don't let the assholes dilute it for you.

Yeh, you did fine. All parents fear the looming pedo, especially at a a place of partial nudity. It was an excited moment for all involved and the mother of the rescued reacted in fear and therefore resorted to violence.

an3ph 20

Throw it back! Throw it back!

I was legitimately saved from drowning at a public pool when I was seven. Nobody noticed, and some kid a couple years older than me pulled me up casually and said 'you okay, kid?' and swam off. I applaud you for trying to help!

Mamaluigi619 4

I wouldve said "Hey! I was saving youre kid because you werent being a real mother and taking care of Him!"