By butisavedyourkid - 06/06/2013 04:13 - United States

Today, I rescued a little boy who looked like he was drowning in a public pool. His mother then smacked me in the face for "touching him". FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 265
You deserved it 3 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a hero in my eyes OP. Hope she apologised after you explained the situation.


Cant blame her these days Perverts everywhere :p hah

This is why we can't have a nice, cooperative society, why people refuse to care about kids who aren't their own and why said kids grow up with this ass backwards sense of entitlement and invincibility. Ugh. pisses me off.

Apparently now a days if you rescue help a child you're considered a pedophile or something. This is friggin a tragedy bits of society have become paranoid

And lo betide the unlucky child who could have been saved from drowning, but people were just too scared of over protective mothers to do anything.

skyeyez9 24

Then again, if she was so overprotective, she would have noticed her kid drowning. Probably too distracted on her phone texting to notice.

Gee sorry your kid was drowning lady I swear these kind of women should not breed

You can go home knowing you saved a child's life so that's something to account for. You did the right thing, OP. Moms are just crazy as a bat out of hell.

Slap her in the face right back. He was drowning.

If you're a lifeguard, FYL. If you're not, then I can see how the thrashing around in the water could be misinterpreted. Not YDI material though.

RedPillSucks 31

Well, it's also possible that she didn't even realize her son was in danger and OP didn't explain (or didn't have time to explain) to her what was going on. She jumped to the closest conclusion around. I had a similar thing happen, but thankfully, it was pretty obvious what was going on since this was a big wave and the child was small enough. The parents immediately saw that I was saving their kid and didn't accuse me.

Maybe she wanted her kid to drown. Some parents can be really ****** up.