Advice wanted

By Anonymous - 26/07/2024 17:00 - United States - Chaska

Today, I'm wondering if I can forgive someone who I was there for when they were at their lowest, but when I was at mine, they dropped me and told me they couldn’t help me, and I can't talk to them about it anymore? FML
I agree, your life sucks 435
You deserved it 93

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I say this with the utmost empathy but... friends are not your therapists and it's perfectly okay (even for you) to draw lines on the depth of support you're able to offer. I 100% believe that they appreciated you being there for them at their lowest, but you would also have been within your rights to tell them that this is too much for them to put on you. Have an open conversation with them about whether what you're going through is just too much for them to handle and seek professional help if you truly need it.

if you forgive them, do it for yourself and move on


I say this with the utmost empathy but... friends are not your therapists and it's perfectly okay (even for you) to draw lines on the depth of support you're able to offer. I 100% believe that they appreciated you being there for them at their lowest, but you would also have been within your rights to tell them that this is too much for them to put on you. Have an open conversation with them about whether what you're going through is just too much for them to handle and seek professional help if you truly need it.

Fully agree but with the caveat that some people can be narcissistic when it comes to friendship and expect to always be helped but never have to help. If, after having an open conversation, the feeling is that the friend is one of these people, you may want to adjust your level of involvement knowing that it won’t be reciprocated in the future. I always have liked the saying: “when someone shows you who they are, believe them”.

if you forgive them, do it for yourself and move on

you are not supposed to be supportive to someone just to receive it back. that's do it because your a good person. also talk to a therapist not your friends

I can't help your ex treat you better. I'm sorry you put him over our relationship. Stop ******* talking to him like he's going to change. But I'm the asshole right?

I agree with all the other comments especially the therapist one but another angle Is you're giving too much of yourself to the wrong person. that person needs you for this reason but they don't want to return the favor sounds like a one-sided friendship