By EMTGirl'sLife - 10/02/2015 03:15 - United States - Basking Ridge

Today, I responded to an emergency call for an intoxicated 83-year-old man with chest pains. As I leaned forward to check his lung sounds, he groped my chest and said, "Nice rack". I just wanted to see if he had difficulty breathing. I don't even get paid for this, I'm a volunteer for the town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 570
You deserved it 2 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good news: you apparently have a nice rack. Bad news: people are creeps. Especially drunk people.

marcmaralou 15

while that is perverted ... he's 83 and he's got nothing to lose


My sister and I run volunteer too. She has the same problem with one of our frequents. He tries to brag when he gets brushed by her, then when I tell him I'm her brother he straightens his act right up.

Good you defend your sis. But it's sad when men only respect women's space when a male figure in her life is present. woo patriarchy.

born_hustla 26

For that kind of service you better ask for a salary.

Where's your stethoscope lol why would you put your face near an 83 year old intox.

Maybe he wasn't getting enough oxygen into the brain; or he's just a creep. But hey, don't let that get you down, keep on volunteering, the world needs more people like you :)

It's sad to say, but most of us in the medical field will be sexually harassed or assaulted at least once.......pervs are impervious to others feelings.

I created an account just so I could comment. Just because you are a volley doesnt not mean you have to put up with that. That is assault, and is illegal. I would try to press charges if I were you. I am a paramedic, and that is not part of your job. Look at, it is a good program.

Volunteer or not, that's still assault. In most states, assault against firefighters & EMTs is the same as assaulting an on duty cop, & is an immediate felony charge. File it as such. I would. It's the right thing to do, for all of us that do this job.

Haha we have a few like that in my response area.