By Where is it coming from?! - 10/06/2014 02:46 - United States - Brightwood

Today, I returned home after a four day weekend at my parents' house. Upon entering by the front door, a horrid stench assaulted my nose. Hours later I still cannot find the source of the foul odor. I'm starting to wonder if this is how it's always smelled without my knowing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 995
You deserved it 6 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should leave the windows open more often...


TurtleLightning 7

Ask your parents. If they don't notices anything, I have bad news for you.

Maybe your neighbor sprayed liquid ass

Bluebl4ze 16

If it's the natural scent around your home, u'll stop noticing in a coupl days max. If you don't, get help

Perhaps it's due to lack of air circulation since your house was all locked up. The smell should be gone pretty soon after you settle back in.

Indeed. Air can get stale if you don't let fresh air in from outside weekly. That would be your best bet; lift the window panes and let the stale air out for a few hours.

ninety 25

There's a difference between stale air and being assaulted by a stench.

JDCH_99 10

Potatoes! Happened to me once. It had fallen behind in a cupboard and mostly liquified when I found it. Couldn't get the smell off my hands for days.

I would deep clean everything. Wash all the bedding clean the carpet, clean out shower drains (I had a weird smell coming from mine once) move all the furniture and clean under it, run lemons and hot water through the garbage disposal. Open all the windows and just clean.

Febraze to the rescue! It's possible something got into your vents and died or something spoiled in your refrigerator

It could be a drain. There was a pretty foul smell in my kitchen once and I couldn't find the source, but after pouring some bleach down the kitchen sink drain the smell went away.

Don't forget around, under and behind the stove and refrigerator. These are spaces that rarely get cleaned and have the potential for something to fall unnoticed and turn putrid.

1dvs_bstd 41

you should literally check all the nook and crannies of your house. maybe something died or some shit.