By DaisyMay - 04/04/2011 19:47 - United States

Today, I returned home to find the key to my mailbox missing. I called the post office and was informed that a new key will cost me $15. I have no money, and my paycheck is in the mailbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 365
You deserved it 5 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't have 15 bucks? I think you might have bigger problems then missing a key.

Meet the mailman @ the mailbox tomorrow


21 - no, that would mean 15 dollars dollars. $= money

ever hear of a bank account dumbass. if you don't have 15 dollars you have issues

CateXOX 0

21 was referring to the mistake of the OP, who also put $15 dollars.

IBeBlazin 0

Their making fun of the way the OP posted it.

Borrow money from a friend or your parents. No big deal.

your trying to tell us you don't have 15$...?

Break it and tell him to suck it? Or explain the problem and stop whining...

lmao hack the mailbox? then pay for a new mailbox and a key.