By Anonymous - 18/12/2013 01:55 - China - Shanghai

Today, I sang a romantic song I wrote for my girlfriend. She laughed at my soprano. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 251
You deserved it 8 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

It really takes balls for a guy to romantically serenade a girl in a soprano voice. It would be a lot easier without them, though.

blackman100 20

It's called vocal range. You should be proud of it and so should she.


Knightchaser27 25

I have a friend that ever time she gets emotional she laughs historically, maybe your girlfriend is like that. Hugs and happy holidays OP.

mvc3ftw 17

Simple, one laughs in such a way that it is put in the history books to be read by future generations.

You all know what I meant, but I liked those jokes hysterical*** lol Happy holidays you guys.

Soprano? You probably mean falsetto. The high part of a guys range, where the quality is different from the lower part, is called falsetto. You are probably a tenor or a countertenor. Unless you're too young for your voice to have changed in which case you're probably too young to have a girlfriend.

plagiarismo 16

My thoughts exactly. It's really easy for a guy to sound funny when singing in falsetto. Have fun with it or go down an octave.

jazzy_123 20

falsetto is the correct term as you said, but there are some occasions where a male can be called a soprano, if he can hit the higher notes passed alto.

Daaaaw. I'd love if my boyfriend sang to me. I ask him to and most of the time he won't do it. >:( I always fantasized that I would be proposed to with a musical number. Your girlfriend's a jerk...or maybe your singing really is just undeniably funny. :P

Same here :( what i wouldnt give for my boyfriend to sing "Music of the Night" for me.... sigh...

jazzy_123 20

sometimes it's ok to guilt our boyfriends into doing things for us. I think this is one of those times where it's ok. I just do puppy face and my boyfriend sings to me. Lol.

MyUsernameKatie 31

That's so sweet! You don't need to have a great singing voice to be a great guy. She sounds kinda ungrateful anyway OP. Best of luck :)

Dodge4x4Ram 46

Would you like to try again? Use a lifeline, maybe?

LezBeHappy 0

Does anyone know if the OP is even a guy? I'm seeing all these comments saying he. I can only see commenters names and not OP's for all posts on the mobile site so I'm not sure but it could be a female.

JMichael 25

Well it's the thought that counts OP.

challan 19

regardless of his facial expressions, that's just cruel. never do that to someone you love!