By Anonymous - 18/12/2013 01:55 - China - Shanghai

Today, I sang a romantic song I wrote for my girlfriend. She laughed at my soprano. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 251
You deserved it 8 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

It really takes balls for a guy to romantically serenade a girl in a soprano voice. It would be a lot easier without them, though.

blackman100 20

It's called vocal range. You should be proud of it and so should she.


I think the best thing a guy can do in the world is make me laugh, even if it wasn't intentional. :)

jazzy_123 20

26, never? my boyfriend is a terrible singer and I love when he sings to me, but when I'm not in the mood to hear him I tell him to be quiet. Of course not in a mean way because I do want him to sing to me other times.

You mean falsetto? A guy can't sing soprano. Soprano and falsetto are two different things...

Oh dont worrry op, maybe she was just nervous