By person123abc - 09/12/2010 05:35 - United States

Today, I sat in my room on the computer instead of attending the party of the year. I got kicked out because I wasn't invited. The party was in my back yard, hosted by my brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 365
You deserved it 4 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doesn't say how old you are, but if you're 14 and he's 18 or so, I wouldn't really blame him

I would crash it...what is he going to do, tell your Mommy and Daddy? Or throw food colored water balloons out your window at his guests. Or call the cops and get them shut down. Although the last two are juvenile, they are also effective...


wait an hour or two so they get drunk enough that they either dont notice you or they dont care anymore.

I'm just gonna put this out there, as I have been to quite a few... Parties: They aren't that great. From the sound of things, you probably don't get along with at least half the people there, so you'd end up being an awkward floater, and you'd either end up smashed and vomiting, or mildy drunk with a headache. Good parties, for myself, are in groups of about 10-20 friends, in a house with lots of music. Maybe spilling outside with a barbecue. Any more than 30 people and it gets to be boring or a headache in my opinion. And unless you invited every single member personally, there is likely going to be someone you don't like there. So. Parties. Fun things. Sometimes. :D

So what are you doing on the computer? Get out there and crash that shit.

GangstaGalahleio 0

throw some speakers on the roof, play your favorite music, and blast the speakers. :)

waterballons filled with a secret liquid could help. bombs away

skyeyez9 24

There may be a valid reason for your exclusion. Are you like 13 and your brother is 21? Having a sibling who is significantly younger tagging along a bunch of drunk twenty somethings is not a good idea.

haha! bitch my older sister had an awesome party coasted 20,000 dollars and I was invited you know why?? cause she loves me! :D

AceArctic 4

There's 2 options here: 1) Have a threesome? 2) Piss in the corner of his room. PS: I'm not on the wrong FML.

redmnky21 8

hahahaha its like ur the meg of ur family