By person123abc - 09/12/2010 05:35 - United States

Today, I sat in my room on the computer instead of attending the party of the year. I got kicked out because I wasn't invited. The party was in my back yard, hosted by my brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 365
You deserved it 4 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doesn't say how old you are, but if you're 14 and he's 18 or so, I wouldn't really blame him

I would crash it...what is he going to do, tell your Mommy and Daddy? Or throw food colored water balloons out your window at his guests. Or call the cops and get them shut down. Although the last two are juvenile, they are also effective...


ThisRandomChild 0

Today, I sat in my room reading FMLs instead of attending the party of the year. I was kicked out because I wasnt invited. It was hosted by my boyfriend, in his pants. I can make up barely believeable sorties too. If ur sad enough to whine on FML, kicking ur brothers ass in front of all his friends would have been a great self esteem booster. Just sayin.

superjay28 0

I would have got revenge by flippig the breaker

Sounds like a stunt MY older brother would do!

jj812 0

That's when you put foot to ass

nevershouttami 11

This reminds me of an episode of Family Guy.

Puffgurl 6

You brother is a douch and you should have gone anyway

sounds like Bart and Lisa in The Simpsons