By wondercat40 - 24/04/2014 21:19 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, I saw a cute guy and decided to say hi. As I started to think about things to talk about, one story in particular about a drummer who looked like Jesus stuck out in my mind. I was so nervous that instead of saying hi, I blurted out, "Some people look like Jesus!" and took off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 641
You deserved it 8 899

wondercat40 tells us more.

He just stared blankly at me as I ran off, and that's definitely not a good sign of anything! I see him at my band classes, but I haven't spoken to him since. Thank you for the comments, a lot of them made me laugh. I don't know the where the Jesus drummer's band came from either, it was a local band that I forgot the name of. However, I think it was a Christian band. Oh, the irony.

Top comments


I'm story but I found this hilarious!

Yes that's what I meant. That was a mistake.

I'm not sorry that this made me do a little involuntary Dolores Umbridge chuckle.

Ughhh, that was such a beautiful pun too!

JMichael 25

Oddly enough OP's right tho. Several people look almost exactly like what Jesus was perceived to look like. Maybe there's been more second comings of Jesus than we are aware of.

atalanta18 10
RedPillSucks 31

Too bad Jesus was from the Middle East and didn't look anything like that.

#43, After a second coming is a third coming... 1, 2, 2, 2, wait, what's next?

iOceanus 18

Floating off into the heavens sounds more fun.

I'd run off and make some wine to make me feel better

Jew should be crucified for making such a terrible mistake!

Vanshikap 24

Haha OP that's hilarious. its ok,we all have our moments. its never as bad as you think. that being said,can we have a follow-up? i can't be the only one who wants to know how he took it

He just stared blankly at me as I ran off, and that's definitely not a good sign of anything! I see him at my band classes, but I haven't spoken to him since. Thank you for the comments, a lot of them made me laugh. I don't know the where the Jesus drummer's band came from either, it was a local band that I forgot the name of. However, I think it was a Christian band. Oh, the irony.

lmf5292 10

Was it a local band from Buffalo? Because I have a brother who's a drummer who looks strikingly like Jesus....

He must have thought you were a jehovas whitness or something

Or stoned, I remember the last time I got stoned was in Arkansas and we where in a house where I could have sworn that everyone was jesus.

Where I come from some people get stoned to death... *social awkward moment realized* ...Takes off...

oddities 20

33, and that is why drugs are bad for you. Or all of the stoners there really did look like Jesus, a lot of the stoners I know do. Most likely, you just shouldn't do drugs.

#33 and #58 clearly neither of you have any idea what you're talking about when it comes to weed and I'm pretty sure most stoners on this site either cringed or giggled helplessly at both of your comments.

Maybe don't plan out the entire conversation next time?