By bleurghh - 31/12/2010 15:06 - United Kingdom

Today, I saw a guy I like when I was out shopping. We acknowledged each other with a little wave, but as I walked away, I heard him say to his friend, "She's never gonna get me with THAT moustache." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 878
You deserved it 8 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anti666 17

shave your mustache and try again.

sallen0046 4

Unless you've never encountered a mirror, you should be well aware if you have a mustache. A great deal of women do, it's not a life ******* situation. Either you're comfortable with it, or you have it waxed or bleached.


Zombie65 0

so if he doesn't want THAT moustache what kind did he want? wax shave pluck .... get rid of it ydi

just_cr1s 4

DON'T shave it, don't try to impress him anymore. he's not worth it. any true lover would love you if you weren't beautiful.

Choconumm 8

He's jus mad cause he can't look as manly :{D

Elle_Fox 2
ckjacques53198 0

how do women not notice a stache?

noname5067 0 opposed to another moustache?