By bleurghh - 31/12/2010 15:06 - United Kingdom

Today, I saw a guy I like when I was out shopping. We acknowledged each other with a little wave, but as I walked away, I heard him say to his friend, "She's never gonna get me with THAT moustache." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 878
You deserved it 8 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anti666 17

shave your mustache and try again.

sallen0046 4

Unless you've never encountered a mirror, you should be well aware if you have a mustache. A great deal of women do, it's not a life ******* situation. Either you're comfortable with it, or you have it waxed or bleached.


KateKiddo 6

Big deal! Just ask him what kind of moustache he'd like ;)

yeahiknow0 0
dolphingirl00 0

first of all- shave it!! and second of all point out something bad about him next time you pass him to get him back.

my best friend has the same problem.. but everyone still loves her

AllyyK 9

Seriously .. that's nasty wax that shit!


Well, that was a real douchebag move. I wouldn't say ANYTHING about it if a girl had the 'stache. But really, just take care of it. Nobody likes Da 'STACHE.

rocker_chick23 27

Pretty sure OP isn't a guy when she is refereed as a she, and the gender thing says woman on it.

<p>Good riddance to him then. &nbsp;Find someone better.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>