By Help Me - 18/01/2015 03:45 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I saw a little old lady trying to cross the street. I went over and tried to help her. Turned out she was actually just a really short young woman. As soon as I took her arm, she screamed in front of everyone and accused me of trying to molest her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 328
You deserved it 8 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iTzSelverZz 14

I think you were suppose to ask her if she needs help first.

TomeDr 24

Why would you grab her arm without asking her first?


As a person who has, on more than on occasion, been forcibly assisted across the street against my will let me tell you it is a frightening experience. I am in a wheelchair due to an injury steel rods bolted to my spine keep my head from moving. I cannot turn my head to look left or right, nor can I twist my body to look behind me. When I want to check oncoming traffic to be sure it is safe to cross I must turn my wheelchair 90 degrees to the left and right. Sometimes people assume I just turned my chair because I want to cross the street in that direction and I suddenly find myself being quickly propelled across the street away from my intended destination. The only thing that annoys me more is when people lean down so their face is closer to my level and speak to my like I am a wayward toddler separated from his Mommy. Yes I admit there was some traumatic brain injury that affected my speech but why do so many people assume they have to talk so loudly and slowly. Grrrrrrr. Just say hello to me like I'm a normal person.

Totally you're bad. I mean seriously even if it was an old lady why would you just grab her without so much as a "do you need any help"

steam_engenius 21

Old lady or not, it's not appropriate to grab random women without saying anything.

Even if she were a little old lady, you still shouldn't have just grabbed her arm out of nowhere.

YDI for not asking first. But that must have been humiliating too so FYL as well.

Why didn't you just ask her if she needed help? Was that too hard?

You're heart was in the right place. You just failed at the execution. Just ask next time.

daxxbuttons 12

Why are there so many "I agree, that sucks"? NEVER TOUCH ANY INDIVIDUAL UNLESS YOU HAVE PERMISSION. Then this wouldn't have freaking happened. This is so "You deserve it" it hurts.

Even if this had been an old woman, you still have to ask permission before you do something like that. It's a sweet gesture, but I don't think you'd be cool with someone coming up behind you and grabbing your arm.