By Anonymous - 06/10/2011 17:04 - United States

Today, I saw a man dancing to a Britney Spears song in his Volkswagen Beetle. I started laughing hysterically until he got out. He was huge. I was stuck in traffic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 675
You deserved it 36 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Say you are laughing because you just remembered a funny joke. If you're lucky you will live.


You've got to have a brain the size of a pea if that made you laugh hysterically.. Dumb ass...

Moral of the story; Don't **** with Britney BITCH!

alexandraaaa 0

Hopefully you acquired some wisdom along with the contusions. That's how it usually works.

CreamyGoodness_1 7
ideasrule 13

I highly doubt he would dare to touch you while in the middle of traffic. That seems like a sure way to get into jail.

Jails are full of people who don't think that far ahead.