By photomark - 13/12/2011 06:32 - United States

Today, I saw a quarter in my poop. My friends say I do stupid things when I get drunk. Apparently, eating change is one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 512
You deserved it 37 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kepp checking your poop you could be rich by next month

davidisbeast 12

At least you got the quarter back :D that's a whole TWENTY FIVE cents !


BellaMarta 19

So what'd you do with the quarter afterward?

You're hella raw, keep doing your thing. Maybe you'll eat some bills.

There's nothing wrong with drinking. There's not even anything wrong with getting a little drunk. But if you don't even remember things you did, you drank way too much. If it happens once, lesson learned. If it happens more than once, you're just an idiot and YDI.

Yet one more reason getting drunk is overrated...

At least nobody can tell you that your shit doesn't make cents.

Makeeasweet25 0

Gross!!!! I bet you use that same quarter the next day.