By JacktheRussian - 08/04/2013 00:33 - United States

Today, I saw a very attractive young woman struggling with some boxes. The seduction attempt resulted in me carrying 60lbs of items for 30mins. When we got to her apartment, she thanked me and introduced me to her boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 964
You deserved it 42 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What were you expecting that she was going to let you ravish her or something? Being nice to someone does not mean that they owe you anything in the romantic department.


onorexveritas 23

ulterior motives get the best of us

That's karma for being a douche, expecting to get some for carrying boxes.

What did you think she would do? Give you a thank you blow?

We men are soooo f'n stupid when it comes to a pretty face

Guys, next time a woman gives you a dirty look for offering to help her, remember it's because we can't tell from looking at you if you're a decent person or some creep like this. I refuse all help from strangers, even when I need it, because you can't tell who's going to turn round and demand you blow them.

Why not just help her out because it's a kindhearted thing to do, not because you're hoping it will help you get in her pants? I'm single, and if some guy helped me carry heavy boxes, I'd definitely be very grateful, but a guy has to be more to me than "the guy who carried my boxes" before he will be able to successfully seduce me.

Dude, you did a nice thing, let that be that. Don't be a jerk and hope it's anything more than that.

russianspy1234 11

So the only reason you do something nice is to try and get laid? Not doing our Mother Russia proud.

Why didn't she get her lazy ass boyfriend to help her?