By MgmEboy - 19/09/2009 21:36 - Canada

Today, I saw a YouTube video of a guy scratching a knife and a screwdriver on his iPod, and at the end he showed how there were no scratches and the screen was still clean. I took my iPod touch and did the same with a knife. It didn't work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 321
You deserved it 268 873

Same thing different taste


licketyslit 0
RubixMonkey 0
licketyslit 0

**** YOU, ******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

spinarium 2

stupid shit. don't be such an arrogant prick. LOL YDI but hey, people are people. sometimes we just have our stupid moments. it's just that your stupid moment is a helluva lot funnier

Holy crap, how did this fml get so many comments?!

crackberrie 0

you should just be thankful that the video you watched wasn't one of a guy demonstrating how "shoving a fork in your eye will not result in permanent eye damage/blindness" cause you are clearly gullible enough to believe stupid videos

RubixMonkey 0

242- We don't let stupid lie there, we pick on it and then kill it. Then bring it back from the dead and kill it again. This is a Lazarus comment. Even god's like this is shit, lets torture it more.

Why would u even think of trying to do that ? ._.

RubixMonkey 0
cassiie_fml 0

Congratulations. You are the new epitome of stupidity.

oystersmoke 0

i once did that with a plastic jar of peanut butter back in the late eighties when they switched the pb jars from glass to plastic. i had seen it on the peter pan pb commercial. the kid on the commercial bounced the jar in his kitchen and it looked really cool. i tried bouncing the jar as hard as i could. the lid cracked and there was pb everywhere but i was only eight. hopefully you are too. =)

#13. There's a difference between an intranet and the internet. Congratulations on joining the ranks of people who think they know what they're talking about.