By Anonymous - 16/07/2015 19:16 - United States

Today, I saw my friend at the mall. He didn't see me, so I called him to say "Turn around." He took one look at his phone, snorted loudly enough for me to hear from way off, and put it back in his pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 914
You deserved it 2 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess he's not really your friend then. Sorry Op.

I'd start looking for some new friends if I were you.


I need someone to help me out with this.

Agreed, I might take time to think of get to a quiet place before calling back.maybe he snorted because he was thinking of you or didn't have time to talk at the moment. This one needs an update

Heh, I almost did this once. I was on my way to class and having a really bad morning when my phone rang - caller ID said it was my ridiculously perky friend. I didn't feel like talking to anyone but I answered anyway and she said "Look behind you!" So yeah I got lucky with not looking rude.