By Anonymous - 16/07/2015 19:16 - United States

Today, I saw my friend at the mall. He didn't see me, so I called him to say "Turn around." He took one look at his phone, snorted loudly enough for me to hear from way off, and put it back in his pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 914
You deserved it 2 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess he's not really your friend then. Sorry Op.

I'd start looking for some new friends if I were you.


Don't take it too harsh, I almost never answer calls from friends or anyone for that matter. I just hate talking on the phone, he might be the same way

Didn't even look? I mean I would be at least a bit curious...looks like he is more like a "friend" not a real friend...

He never answered the phone. OP didn't have a chance to say turn around to him!!!!!

I thought you meant you yelled at him and said turn around. Was so confused why he looked at his phone. Now I understand. I'm sorry. You deserve better friends.

He might have gotten a funny text.

Wow no one suggest to try calling next time. Hello! That's a phone, too.

AJRand 14

He did try calling. His friend looked at the caller id, laughed, then put the phone away.

He did try calling, the friend didn't answer his phone

lissabobissa 18

That's so rude. I'm sorry OP :(

Yeah, that's not a friend. Your better off alone than having a person like that in your life. I've been there. Just move on.