By j0hn - 23/02/2009 02:35 - United States

Today, I saw my mom sneaking meat into her spaghetti sauce. She told me she sneaks meat into most of the food she cooks. I've been a vegetarian for 8 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 011
You deserved it 17 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

curious_missy 1

or at least you thought you were a vegetarian...I mean you gotta admit your mom's food has been pretty great throughout these 8 years! lol

I'm no vegetarian, probably never will be, but I do respect everybody who is one. If they do not eat meat, that's their choice. More meat for me. They'll have to accept that I do eat meat. Maybe even right next to them. It sucks your mom is being so cruel to you. The least she could do is tell you so you can choose to eat it or make your own dinner.


Dallasluver19 14

Read my reply I put to the dude that tried talking on comment #10


Honestly I respect the vegetarians that do it for nutritional reasons. I do not respect the 'OMG SO MEAN TO ANIMALS' vegetarians. They rarely actually know what they are talking about. There are options other than buying factory farmed meats, and frankly the animal is already dead. Also, I have now seen the farmer side and I don't think most farm owners mistreat their animals the way media would have you believe. We have two calves that we are raising for beef and they will be perfectly happy up til the day they are slaughtered. Same goes for our chickens and pigs.

"They are perfectly happy up to the day they are slaughtered." Yes, I'd imagine getting slaughtered would bring an end to happiness very quickly. For health reasons, though, all of the points are 100% correct. Not only the benefits like reduced risk of heart attack and food poisoning, but the science and nature proves that we are best suited for herbivorous diets. Really, there's no need to raise and slaughter other living beings. It's actually better to go without that.

Meat is actually important to our diet. If you don't eat meat, you have to try and replace it by things I consider a lot less yummy. Sure, eating too much meat can increase the risk of heart attack and all, but it's like that with everything... too much is never okay.

So true. My MIL is a farmer. I hate the people who are all gung-ho that all meat is horribly treated until its ruthlessly slaughtered. I've watched a cow of hers killed (did NOT stick around for the butchering) and it was over very quick.

Im sick of hearing this debate on omnivore, vegetarian, carnivore etc there is nothin I enjoy more than a juicy steak but thats me I dont try to push my lifestyle on anyone and I expect the same dont push ur lifestyle on me quit cryin we are killing animals u r killing plants just cuz they cant tell us they r in pain doesnt mean they are not alive so in that aspect we shouldnt eat anything because its killing animals, plants etc get over yourself eat what u enjoy I will do the same

I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or trolling, 236. Plants don't feel pain; they don't have nerves, they don't have a nervous system, and they especially don't have a brain to process the signals transmitted by the nerves. Animals do feel pain, however, and there are rather cruel slaughtering procedures to produce the meat we eat. That being said, I'm not a vegetarian. Please, learn some basic anatomy before you post.

You really expected your entire family to go vegetarian just because you did? If you want to be a vegetarian, make your own food.

yourlifesucksHA 14