By chinaski7628 - 24/09/2013 22:00 - United States - Glendale

Today, I sent a student to the dean for trying to smoke pot in my class. His mother called to complain that I publicly humiliated her son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 239
You deserved it 3 287

chinaski7628 tells us more.

This is my FML and I never realized it got published until I came across it under the random section. I thought I'd fill in the details because I think about this kid a lot. The student in question was on probation from two previous drug charges. He was a mess-- always drunk or high and everything he did was a cry for help (tagging, fighting, truancy). I'd had a meeting with his mother once already about him failing my class due to poor attendance. She accused me of lying (even though he told her he always ditched my class). He even admitted to me that he picked my class to smoke in because he wanted to get caught and he knew I would turn him in. It actually wasn't this incident that got him expelled-- a week or so later he punched his probation officer and after that I have no idea what happened to him. I don't totally blame him-- he was only 15, after all. And it was hard to see beyond the drugs and bad decisions, but he had brains and was a good artist-- he had potential. If he had had a better mother maybe he might have had a chance. Her denial damaged him considerably. I don't mind the troubled and damaged kids, but it's the parents who made them that way I have no patience for and that make my job difficult. This actually happened three years ago, so I can only hope he's pulled himself together. I know many people that have had similar rough starts to life and have made it out ok.

Top comments

badluckalex 23

He'll be more than publicly humiliated when he's suspended for drug use on school property.


Some parents just never cease to dissapoint my faith in humanity, I don't want to know where that kid is going to end up if his parents don't even bother to steer him in the right direction

Ironically, she's the one now being publicly humiliated, since she is now on FML :)

Yeah, apart from the fact that nobody here knows who she is or has any way to identify her.

And that this could literally happen anywhere in California.

Well you know where his IQ level, great morals and standards all came from....

Actually people with high IQ's are more likely to use drugs and also it's probably for some sort of attention from said mother who probably only cares about her own image and not her child's well being.

Guess the pot doesn't fall far from the marijuana plant.

I hope that nickname doesn't mean you're fired, just frustrated.

17 - I'd say it's just frustration. But really, if reporting a kid for doing drugs in the middle of a class was enough to get you fired, you'd be better off for it.

Tell her to complain to the dean that he was smoking cannabis in the middle of class. What a ******* idiot... Some people should have been drowned at birth, she's one of them.

Wow it amazes me the way that people have changed the law to allow kids to rebel and treat their pedants like crap. Bring back Capital punishment!!!!!!!!

BenderJ_fml 5

Great idea! Act up in school - DIE!! How about corporal punishment instead?

If the parents are allowing the kids to treat them like crap, no amount of corporal punishment will fix that.

Why would he be smoking pot in the open like that? She should be humiliated for raising a son that has no common sense. Tell her to stop complaining and seek professional help for her corrupted child.

Yeliab333 20

And the mother of the year is....