By pimplesapparently - 18/02/2016 20:17 - United States - New York

Today, I sent my friend a Snapchat without any makeup on. She asked what filter I used, because it made my face look all red and blotchy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 195
You deserved it 2 793

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, she probably didn't have bad intentions. Keep your head up, OP!


So my comment may be voted down, but here's what I've observed. 1) With some women, using make-up on a daily basis can have an effect that causes their skin to turn red and blotchy when exposed to open air (without a layer of make-up over it). Try to make time where you know you don't have to do anything where you'd want to wear make-up and schedule make-up free times for yourself. It'll help your skin get used to the air. 2) Sometimes the redness and blotchy patches occur because even if you wash off the make-up, it's still partially in your pores. Try using a soft brush to clean out your pores after you wash off your make-up. 3) If you still have redness and blotchy patches, see your doctor. There may be a condition of which you aren't aware. If it's nothing serious, just try to balance out your diet: eat more vegetables, especially peppers, and take in more natural proteins from sources like fish, especially salmon. Hope this helps, OP.

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