By random person - 13/11/2011 06:16 - United States

Today, I sent the texts "I love and miss you babe;)." and "Shit wrong person." to my ex just so he would think I have a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 517
You deserved it 62 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FreshSalad 1

I'm sorry but that's pretty pathetic.


Calia061908 4

That's not pathetic that's sad bud you DO need to get over her.

MissOEStar 0

Aww poor thing he probably didn't deserve you anyway...... Oh well his lost :-)

Oh my god I do that too, if theres a guy i like and i want him to notice my multiple sides ill text something dirty and oops wrong person to him so he would want me to explain the text more LOL

trentalophogus 5

you're pathetic. dont expect any sympathy. thats probably why he dumped you

wolfpack2206 1

damn it sounds like u really need a life.