By random person - 13/11/2011 06:16 - United States

Today, I sent the texts "I love and miss you babe;)." and "Shit wrong person." to my ex just so he would think I have a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 517
You deserved it 62 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FreshSalad 1

I'm sorry but that's pretty pathetic.


You're not alone. I've done that a time or two

manny1215 0

Guuurl do what you got to do!

jfkeith31B 10

and who is going to die alone

faysophie 2

Sounds more like you sent the first then regretted it and sent second. What are the chances of you missing a new love? He went away already ? :) Time to move on. Get some hobbies get out.

iLikeTurtles326 0

I honestly hate people that try to show off or be fake.

Please don't do this again. You're not fooling anyone.

Is he supposed to think, "Shit, OP sent that to the wrong person. We must be one letter away in the address book. She must have meant to send that to Telekinetic Dave B., whereas I'm clearly Telekinetic Dave F."

P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C....smh now I see why he must've dumped you.