By oh no - 06/06/2016 15:45 - United States - Rochester

Today, I set my phone down at work in the back while I helped a customer. When I came back it was gone. It took me twenty minutes to find, duct taped to the ceiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 149
You deserved it 3 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's pretty smart for a prank. You'd keep calling your phone and go crazy trying to figure out where it was ringing from.


You must get your revenge. Step 1: take their phone Step 2: SUPERGLUE it to the underside of a public restroom toilet seat.

megs925 16

At least you found it. Could've been gone for good.

Im sorry, but I but who (or whom) ever taped your phone to the ceiling is my new favourite person!!! That was ****** awesome, though Id be ticked if it happened to me