By Anonymous - 04/09/2015 17:01 - United States - Lake Forest

Today, I showed my daughter video footage from a security camera that showed her using her employee key to enter the store I own, disarming the alarm, and stealing several very valuable items. Her defense? That someone had "photoshopped" the video. We'll see how that goes down in court. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 271
You deserved it 2 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Having to take your own child to court can't be easy, so I'm sorry it's reached this point, OP. Hopefully everything will work itself out, and you and your daughter can make amends. Definitely change the alarm code though.

While editing vids is possible, I doubt its fake. Sorry OP.


I stole from my father one time, never going to make that mistake again, hopefully she learns OP.

I'm shocked at the amount of people defending the daughter and calling the parent a failure. None of us have any idea what their history is, so to assume that this dad is a bad parent is extremely rude. The daughter did something that she shouldn't have done. Going to court will hopefully help her learn her lesson.

spantos 7

you're taking your own child to court..?

joljenni 6

I have mixed feelings. OP's daughter sucks ass and deserves to be charged. I feel like she stole from her father thinking he would be more lenient if she was caught. When a young child does something bad you blame the parents but....if the daughter is an adult she knows better. Still you hope OP taught his daughter better. The daughter is an ungrateful twat.

skyguy592 15

damn you're sending your own daughter to court.

Cirrus1 2

you should actually have her arrested and take her to court i would and ask the judge for extended jail time i would have my own mother arrested for stealing from me dont be a panzy jail her

orsombre_fml 11

And I guess whomever "photoshopped" the video stole her employee key card too? I hope she doesn't expect you to pay for her lawyer.