By mynoseburns - 22/02/2010 19:32 - United States

Today, I sneezed while I was throwing up into the toilet. It turns out that throwing up is even less pleasant when the puke violently shoots out through your nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 526
You deserved it 2 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet your whole life flashed before your eyes when you realised you were about to sneeze.

RainbowPoof 2

Ah, that happened to me when I was little... I still have this weird fear of the blue fruit juice I had been drinking directly before (which was what I threw up), and I won't drink any blue liquids to this day. Of course, mmost blue liquids are cleaning products and stuff, so it's not a huge loss, I guess. I feel your pain, dude. :(


Not all of the coca-cola stayed, but just a little of it stayed and it ******* burned. horrivle

Blackiechan85 0

That happened to me, but the worst is when half of a slice of pizza is the thing that comes out of your left nostril...

yah had that too, and with all the half-proceeded beer it's all sour xd

LoveUJustinBiebe 0

read the post..Started laughing like hell!!! LMFAO

peaceSUCKAh 0

yup I had to learn it the hard way too

I hate when that happens. Makes me glad I almost never get that sick...