By gabxoxo03 - 10/06/2011 19:06 - United States

Today, I snuck up on my girlfriend to give her a kiss. Only after I planted a big one did I realize it was not my girlfriend, or even a girl for that matter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 971
You deserved it 52 775

Same thing different taste


lilclare 0

and they never thought to stop you?!

mad_hatter0666 22
TylersMB 0

sooo your gf looks like a guy?

itsalwaysYDI 0

Idk if it is worse on the guy...or your girlfriend. either he is very feminine or your gf is awfully manly. either for them. you're just an idiot for not checking before you kiss a random person..

if i were you i wouldnt tell your gf.. she'll think you think she looks like a man and then she will over react (typical) and she will prob have a pissy mood for a while or she'd just dump ya for liking boys ;)

AceHeartThinksTh 0

No, because then she'll overreact if she finds out he kissed some guy and didnt tell her.

It's an honest mistake op, I'm sure his whiskers that tickled your lips felt just like your girlfriend's.

redneck0328 5

we don't know if the ladyboy was shaved or not tho. ehhh what if he had a full grown beard?!

619warrior281 5

Im wondering if thats more insulting to your girl,the guy, or you.

PlatinumNinja 0

Sucks for you. You better hope the guy didn't like it.