By anonymous - 13/01/2012 05:05 - Canada

Today, I sold my Xbox and Kinect to a guy. I forgot that sometimes I'd play Dance Central naked, and the Kinect would make videos. This guy now has videos of me, naked, badly dancing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 309
You deserved it 52 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments


JayByrd13 6

Shake that thang all the way to YouTube! :)

Girl (I hope) who likes dancing naked... Where abouts in BC you from OP? ;)

_Ferrari_ 5

Let's pray he doesn't know where you live. He could take those videos the wrong way :/.

Who knows, the guy he sold it to might be into that kind of stuff.

I just checked youporn... Who is the idiot that said that interactive games are great for weight loss??

Androidz 0

Smart people. They said it. Activity=Burning calories. Burning calories=weight loss.

Paradoodle 5

Unless there is a way to save your videos, they erase after you finish the song.

mimeshadow 1 says OP is a guy. So id hate to be the guy who bought your kinect.

Let's hope for the red ring of death.

Clamcreepy 7

FYL? FML for the guy brought your Xbox he's gonna be scared for life with your nut sack swinging on his screen from some perv stranger who him a Xbox. unless he's gay then thats like a bonus clip for him lol.

Literally laughed about this, Best part is "-some perv Stranger who him a xbox." Witha period at tha end of that sentence, Classic!

Clamcreepy even if the guy is gay doesn't mean he'll like it. I think most people(regardless of sex/orientation) wouldn't want to see videos of some random person (male or female) dancing naked. It's just weird.

stephanieeDawnx 0

104.. What do you think **** or a strip club is..? Random girls (& sometimes guys) dancing/.whatever else they do on camera. Or In person. XD

122, last time I checked, **** is people having sex, not dancing.

marisadc79 0

You just made me laugh sooooo hard lol

ibebrandy 4

Why would you be naked anyway?