By leapple - 14/03/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, I spent 2 hours doing my hair, doing my make-up, and picking out an outfit to meet some men. On chatroulette. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 730
You deserved it 37 313

Same thing different taste

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Today, I spent ten minutes getting my dick ready and findig the perfect pose so I could show the world what I got on chatroullete. WIN

Whyyyyyy would you want to meet men on chatroulette, of all places?


AlmothePirate 0

shut. the. ****. up. all you do is point out the obvious while being hella judgemental. and you have no sense of humor.

He's yelling at Snickerdoodles! *gets on walkie talkie* "Take him out."

alex_vik 0

I thought it was bad when I took 2 minutes to put on a suit and my George Bush mask to troll people on Chatroulette. Congrats OP, you made me feel better about myself.

I think you need some fresh air, try it. chose to dress up and go on chat roulette. you could have just worn sweats and it would have made no difference. you probably looked pathetic and desperate anyway if you really got all dolled up for chatting online.

gangstahjennstah 0

my friend went on chat roulette to checkk it put and they said that shit was grosss! they saw like 3 guys 'pleasuring' themselves. after the third guy, they said, screw it. were donee. hahaha

ewww. that is exactly why I never do online chats with strangers, especially if webcams or pictures are involved. too many perverts and sickos are lingering on the web

i just did this because of this fml and went through like 30 people. 10 of them were guys pleasuring themselves, and there were like 3 girls out of all of them. FML

#24, your "friend" waited till the 3rd to get off? ;)

how is this anything other than a YDI? lame.

Dude, you spelled feeling* wrong. Good job. It's pathetic how you spend so much time being a grammar Nazi to probably everybody on this website right now and you can't even spell FEELING right. Once again, good job jerk.