By leapple - 14/03/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, I spent 2 hours doing my hair, doing my make-up, and picking out an outfit to meet some men. On chatroulette. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 730
You deserved it 37 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Today, I spent ten minutes getting my dick ready and findig the perfect pose so I could show the world what I got on chatroullete. WIN

Whyyyyyy would you want to meet men on chatroulette, of all places?


YDI for being a loner and having nothing better to do

do_your_job 0

How do these unbelievably STUPID fml's get past the freaking mods? I mean, honestly. Start doing your jobs and keep these completely useless and retarded "FMLS" off the site. Also, #97, my sentiments exactly!

Helljoker 0

Searching for guys on Chatroullette = Really. Bad. Idea. I hope you realize how many fakes are on there.

Hellooomindyy 0
biancster 0

wow someone needs to get out more

imdeborah 0

#76, if you read her profile, she doesn't care about the 2762263 people that talk whatever crap about her. #51's post made me laugh though.

SpreadItOn 0
Drakanaa 0

OP needs a hobby and a life. Here; try leaving your house like that and go to a club or something. Better results, trust me :D