By leapple - 14/03/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, I spent 2 hours doing my hair, doing my make-up, and picking out an outfit to meet some men. On chatroulette. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 730
You deserved it 37 313

Same thing different taste

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Today, I spent ten minutes getting my dick ready and findig the perfect pose so I could show the world what I got on chatroullete. WIN

Whyyyyyy would you want to meet men on chatroulette, of all places?


dbs_fml 0

fyl, should have just had a Brazilian instead !

ChrisCTL should post an fml saying, "Today, Resquall couldn't really make up a witty remark in regards to my insult. FML." And anyway, a whole bunch of people state the obvious. It's going to happen.

happysmartg 5

how is this an fml? you chose to do that dumb idea

why the **** does everyone pick on snicks? her advice rocks, Damien just likes to take it up the ass =]

pepper3434 0

Geeze, people! Grow up! Let Snick do whatever she feels like. You guys that post how obnoxious she is are actually the obnoxious ones! Btw, stop telling her to get a life, because your also on here wasting your time typing about how much you despise her.

my best friend is like this. and her online habits are so annoying. she meets guys online and went as far as considering one of them as her real boyfriend despite they never physically met. only through webcam. ugh. please get out of your room and go meet real people.

I love how whenever Snicks gets told off, she vanishes into thin air until she appears at the next FML.