By Soapy - 28/06/2009 07:23 - United States

Today, I spent 3 hours washing my hands to get the pony out of the soap bar. I'm 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 652
You deserved it 55 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CASoulNYCmind 0

What the hell are you talking about?! What the hell is this pony you speak of?! I'm so confizzled.

lol wow ydi why didn't u just cut it out?


kendraaaxo 0

Post # 20 - stop reading FML's then. No ones changing to please you.

i wouldn't worry i'm 16 and it's something i'd do. pretty awesome right?

thaprototype 0

Why didn't you just put the soap under hot water? it would have melted in like 2 minutes at the longest

mas19 0

what brand of soap has a ******* pony for a logo?

Wow I did the same thing for a rubber duck... but I was eleven.

crackfiend 0

Why did you want to get rid of the pony? You're just wasting water.

LiziiBBY 0

omfg. get a ******* life. seriously, if your 16 get out and do something.

lilmiss_cowgrl 0

lmao i used to do that to, but i was like 6 o_0

Omg, that's awesome! You brightened my day intensely. You must have CLEAN hands. Hey! I live in New Mexico too! (:

bigraws23 0

I'm 14 & would have done the same thing if it was a dinosuar. NOT!!!!!!

BCrazzi 9

Umm if it was a dinosaur, I would've crapped my pants already for being too amazed..