By Soapy - 28/06/2009 07:23 - United States

Today, I spent 3 hours washing my hands to get the pony out of the soap bar. I'm 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 652
You deserved it 55 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CASoulNYCmind 0

What the hell are you talking about?! What the hell is this pony you speak of?! I'm so confizzled.

lol wow ydi why didn't u just cut it out?


at first I thought u meant pony tail holder. I didn't know they still put toys in soap bars. and YDI for not being smart enough to CUT IT OUT.

poorjudgement 26
ArielTheMermaid 17
DdontAaskPplease 0

Hahaha this is one of my favorite FML's I've ever read.

xxlauryboo 0

is there any point in writing ydi?

you should have said to get the toy pony out of the bar of soap then maybe people will get what you are saying

briissocoollike 8

Now i feel like my regular soap from a botlle is so boring...

dollFehn 6

they make soap with toys in it?! where the hell do I get one?!