By Anonymous - 25/03/2016 19:07 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I spent a lot of money buying a birthday gift for a close friend, only to find out I'm not even invited to the party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 378
You deserved it 1 864

Same thing different taste


Find out if your friend made a mistake. If not, refund it or sell it. If it has no money value than destroy it and put it in the box, then give it to him.

No need to be a bratty child. Just return it or keep it.

Give it to them anyway, so they still know that you care. Also they will feel like a jerk, so that's a bonus.

**** them. Keep it or return it. They ain't a friend.

He's probably just ashamed of you. You can still be friends when you guys are alone.just not in front of his cool friends.

There's a million possible reasons why you weren't invited. Wait before you do anything rash. Feel out the person and decide if you want to ask about the party, or see if they bring it up. From there, figure out if you want to keep it, return it, or give it anyway. Don't do anything you'll regret.

Wow smh I hate it I can't stand fake ppl

There's a standard 2 weeks or 30 days refund policy on most items so you can have your money back, at least. Spend it on yourself and say goodbye to someone you don't need. I'm sorry op. That sucks.