By Poem - 19/12/2009 04:29 - United States

Today, I spent hours delicately writing out what seemed to be a beautiful poem to my girlfriend. After I sent it to her, I kept eyeing my phone to see her surprised message. No, the only response I got was, "You may want to use a spellcheck." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 052
You deserved it 26 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously, you sent a poem with misspellings? That's like an insult. "Here, I wrote you a poem, but I didn't care enough to bother proof-reading."

rosemary_fml 5

it's okay! don't give up hope but your gf does seem quite ungrateful. consider being with someone who appreciates you.


Ouch. I'm not sure if it was bad or if your girlfriend was just rude. ;x My friends respect my poems. :)

Well, your first problem was you spent HOURS writing poetry. Seriously, unless you wrote a Shakespearean novel, that shit took way too long. And judging by her response, I'm guessing the only reason it took so long was because you really suck at poetry. Try candy next time, it's harder to **** up.

No, honey. C-U-N-T is the way it's spelled.

pinkish_poodle 0

ahh what a bitch !!!! you so DDI ! :( x

ydi for writing poetry over a text, next time hand write that shit. or just don't be gay and don't write poetry at all.