By hugs511 - 25/07/2009 04:21 - United States

Today, I spent my date night babysitting. After waiting three hours later than I was supposed, the mother finally gets home at 11, too late for me to get out and have any fun. Already annoyed, I take the money as she says, "I hope this is enough, I got hungry and spent some of your money." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 658
You deserved it 3 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shoulda been like thats okay, i got thirsty and drank all your alcomahol, shared it with your kids just to see the look on her face XD

next time u babysit for her, raid the fridge, larder, take all the booze and get paid your way :D need help in carrying the alco? I'm in :D


:-/ wow... wat a bitch!!! :-/ FYL! :-/

ydi. you stole some of her money to buy your fatass food. obviously you are not mature enough to be out past 9 "having fun"

Iloveyencheck 0

no the mom used some of the money that she was gonna pay the babysitter to buy her own food

cheer_leader247 0

do people even read the fml or do they just make up their own? and if you DID read it you have some serious comprehension issues..

I would be fuming. Demand more seriously, god I don't understand what goes through people's heads (the mother's not yours).

curryndricegirll 0

That's what my thought was too. Demand more money. If she doesn't give it to you, take it from her and pee on her children. Btw, how did she manage to get your money anyhow?

Tomaino 3

She had her money because babysitters usually get paid at the END of the night, when the parents come home.

XRiseToFallAgain 0

Ouch. Sorry. I'd hit her back, with interest, next time you sit for her (It's obviously too late to do anything about it at the moment). Honestly, she's trusting you with the care of her "beloved offspring". You'd think she'd be willing to pay at LEAST the agreed upon amount, if not a considerable amount extra for going three hours overtime.

Are you a young one? Because 11 is definitely not too late to have fun...but it does suck to be underpaid...and to be kept waiting like that.

ASpocksky 0

That's the kind of person you just punch in the face. or leave early when you are supposed to. sure you wontget paid for the day but you won't worry about having to work for them again. haha.

i'd have smiled and been like, "that's okay, i got hungry and took a bite out of young timmy" and just walked out. She'd never ask you to babysit again, and you'd never have to be inconvenienced by her again.

sounds like mom had the munchies after a little smokage and stopped at taco bell, mmmmm that makes me hungry