By hugs511 - 25/07/2009 04:21 - United States

Today, I spent my date night babysitting. After waiting three hours later than I was supposed, the mother finally gets home at 11, too late for me to get out and have any fun. Already annoyed, I take the money as she says, "I hope this is enough, I got hungry and spent some of your money." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 658
You deserved it 3 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shoulda been like thats okay, i got thirsty and drank all your alcomahol, shared it with your kids just to see the look on her face XD

next time u babysit for her, raid the fridge, larder, take all the booze and get paid your way :D need help in carrying the alco? I'm in :D


martic835 2

I did child care for a year and I will NEVER do it again. I'm a single woman with no children of my own. Many times kids would stay with me for an extra three hours. When their parents finally came to pick them up they always commented on how, "I didn't have any other responsibilities and this is their only time to relax." Some people shouldn't breed.

scotty1234 0

i dont get why people take such advantage of the people who are taking care of their children. I want people to do a good job taking care of my children, so i pay them accordingly, and never stay out that long after i say i will be home. thats rude and disrespectful! OP i hope you learn to stnad up for yourself!

something similar happened to me once, the parents were gone from 6pm to 4am while I was babysitting their 6 children all under the age of 11, took me forever to get them all to bed. when the parents came home they gave me about 20 bucks....